
Build A Shelter Together

Jul 2021

Another group of creative participants who exemplified fantastic team working spirit! Well done guys!!

Jul 2021

At every workshop session, each group of children never cease to amaze us with their unique module design. Just when we thought every possible variations of a module made with hangers have been thought through, we get surprised by yet another new module discovery led by the children's unrestrictive exploration. The process to erect a shelter (fit for one person), enables children to take on various roles in the making and construction thus honing invaluable team-working skills; to contribute, support and to lead or be led, each taking on a specific role to support the building of the overall shelter. Challenges faced include ensuring the shelter stands upright and the children learn through play the concepts of structural support and design.

Aug 2021

Over the summer holidays (Jul/ Aug), Children at this workshop were given a fun challenge to design and build a shelter (fit for one person) from modules created from an everyday object, a hanger in this instance as its an object found readily in every household. We wanted children to see opportunities in creation even with a banal everyday object. The workshop introduces concepts of design, form and structural stability. Children were introduced the concept of modules and how modules are applied in design in general. This activity encourages open-ended tinkering with opportunities to problem solve as a team as they attempt the challenge to erect and support their shelter structure. At the end of the workshop, each team created a unique shelter assembled from their team’s selected module design.